

An Overview

Typical Stages of Speech Language Development:

How does speech typically emerge, and what should you expect to hear as your child grows?

According to speech language and hearing sciences, how children acquire languages is mostly a… mystery!

At Academini, we know that most typically, children learn language in predictable stages and at predictable ages, but within these parameters, there is a wide range of variability. Our curriculum embraces every child’s uniqueness, and helps them progress at their own comfortable pace.

From the moment you gaze into your baby’s eyes, the language dance begins. By four months of age your baby eagerly coos and cries, and each time your baby is calmed, their desire to communicate grows. Soon, your baby begins to recognize frequently occurring sound combinations called words.

At this point in time, our Academisses intervene to increase one-on-one interaction with your child, and ample individualized communication, to ensure a smooth transition within an intimate and home-like atmosphere. Every Academiss strives to maintain a soothing environment that recognizes each baby’s natural feeding, sleeping and play rhythms.

Academini’s Infants 4 to 12 M day consists of:

Cuddling, Rocking, Circle Time, Finger Plays, Reading Books, Exploring Age Appropriate Toys, Singing Songs, Creating Art, Stroller Walks & much more!

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